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Complete Dizzy Gillespie vol 1

Titres :
King Porter Stomp/ Blue Rhythm Fantasy/ For the last time I cried over you/ Twee Twee Tweet/ Pluckin' the bass/ I ain't getting nowhere fast/ Hot Mallets/ Pluckin' the bass/ A bee Gezindt/ Give, baby, give/ Do it again/ Pickin' the cabbage/ Chop, chop, Charlie Chan/ Paradiddle/ Calling all bars/ alt/ Do I care, no no/ The lone arranger/ alt/ Hard times

Line-up :
Dizzy Gillespie (tp) + coll. pers. (Teddy Hill, Cab Calloway, Lionel Hampton): Shad Collins, Bill Dillard, Mario Bauza, Lammar Wright (tp) Dickie Wells, Claude Jones, Keg Johnson, DePriest Wheeler, Tyree Glenn, Quentin Jackson (tb) Russell Procope, Howard Johnson, Robert Carroll, Teddy Hill, Chauncey Haughton, Andrew Brown, Chu Berry, Walter Thomas, Benny Carter, Coleman Hawkins, Ben Webster, Jerry Blake, Hilton Jefferson (sax, cl..) Sam Allen, Bennie Payne, Clyde Hart (pn) John Smith, Danny Bar

Masters Media 7, 1937