25828 items
In the public interest

Titres :
The start of something similar / Four or less / Dance blue To lady Mac : In memory / In the public interest /

Line-up :
Gary Burton (vibes) Marvin Stamm, Randy Brecker, Pat Stout, Jeff Stout (tp,flgh) Mike Brecker, Harvey Wainapel (sax) Paul Moen (sax,fl) Bill Watrous, Wayne Andre (tb) Paul Falise (btb) Dave Taylor (btb,tu) George Ricci, Alan Schulman (cello) Pat Rebillot, Al Zavod (epn, org) Mick Goodrick (gt) Steve Swallow (bgt) Warren Smith (perc) Harry Blazer, Bob Moses (dms)

Polydor, 1973