25828 items
The Chronological Tadd Dameron 1947 1949

Titres :
I think I'll go away / Don't mention love to Me / The chase / The squirrel / Our delight / Dameronia / A Be-Bop Carroll / The Tadd walk / Gone with the wind / That someone must be you / Jahbero / Lady Bird / Symphonette / I think I'll go away / Anthropology 1 / id. 2 / Sid's delight / What's new / Heaven's doors are wide open / Focus

Line-up :
Doug Mettome, Fats Navarro, Miles Davis (tp) Eddie Shu,allen Eager,Marion Devito, Ernie Henry, Charlie Rouse, Wardell Gray, Rudy Williams, Sahib Shihab, Dexter Gordon, Cecil Payne, Benjamin Lundy (saxes) Kay Winding, Jay Jay Johnson (tb) Tadd Dameron (pn) Charlie Ross, Nelson Boyd, Curley Russel (b) Stan Levey, Shadow Wilson, Kenny Clarke, (dms) Terry Gibbs (vib) Kay Penton, Kenny Hagood, Rae Pearl,(voc) Chano Pozzo, Diego Ibarra (bgo) Vidal Bolado (cga)

Classics, 1947