25828 items
The chronological Benny Carter 1943-1946

Titres :
Poinciana/ Just a baby'sprayer at twilight/ Hurry hurry/ Love for sale/ I can't escape from you/ I'm lost/ I can't get started with you/ I surrender dear/ Daddy-O/ A good deal/ All alone/ Daddy daddy/ Malibu/ Forever blue/ Prelude to a kiss/ Just you just me/ Jump call/ Patience and fortitude/ Diga diga doo/ Who's sorry now/ Some of these days/ I'm the caring kind/ Looking for a boy/ Rose room

Line-up :
Benny Carter (as, tp, arr) + big bands incl J/J/Johnson (tb) freddie Webster, Karl George, Idrees Sulieman (tp) Don Byas, Dexter Gordon, Flip Philips (ts) Tony Scott (cl) Max Roach (dms) Gil Fuller (arr) etc etc

Classics, 1943